Striving to become a Domestic Goddess

Monday, October 10, 2005

Bread sauce

If you are eating turkey this Thanksgiving or Christmas, you should try serving it with bread sauce. English people simply can't eat chicken or turkey without bread sauce. Also, in our family we have noticed that it doesn't matter how much bread sauce you make, you always run out, so make plenty. This recipe should be enough for 4-6 people who love their bread sauce. Thanks to Dad for his tips on the recipe.

550 mL milk (skim or whole is fine)
half an onion (cut through the' equator', not through the poles)
8 cloves
1 bay leaf
4 oz fresh bread crumbs (white or brown crumbs doesn't matter, just a matter of visual appeal)
1 oz butter
salt and pepper to taste

Tip: Start preparing the sauce well ahead of serving time, the longer you leave the milk to infuse, the better it will taste.

Push the cloves into the half onion - no need to be a perfectionist about this. Place the onion with cloves, bayleaf, salt and pepper into a sauce pan with the milk. Bring the milk to the boil and turn off the heat. Leave the milk to infuse with the clove and bayleaf flavours for several hours - I suggest 6 hours, although if you're rushed 30 minutes will do.

About 10 minutes before serving dinner, remove the onion, cloves and bayleaf from the milk. Add bread crumbs and butter. Bring to the boil, stirring constantly. Allow the sauce to thicken and serve.


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